Darrell's News Site

This is an informational site for black Americans. It focuses on black pride and people within the black community who has held us back.

Hello, my name is Darrell Bell. I am the administrator and owner os this editorial site. I hold a B.S. in Computer Information Systems and a former United States Marine. This site is for black Americans who are tired of being used and sold out by black gatekeepers whose job it is to be a buffer between us and the dominant society. These gatekeepers have been around since the founding of the United States and mainly graduate from HBCUs. I also have a problem with black bootlicksi, i.e., black people in the public eye/ sports figures, entertainers/ politicians who will betray us for the dominant society as long as they get their butter biscuits. These people are a disgrace and must be exposed! Check me out and drop me a line:

Being Black in America! (aweb.page)


Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Earle-Sears is running for Governor of Virginia. She has spent her entire political life undermining black America. She is of Jamaican heritage and has an immigrant/migrant agenda. She promotes migrant/immigrant replacing black Americans instead of helping her people stay in their country and build it up. They want to come to something black Americans have bled and DIED for and come over here and start running us. If black Americans allow this to happen, our country will turn into the Caribbean and Latin America north. No black America should cast their ballot for Lt. Gov Winsome Earle-Sears.


Black people must realize that we will get nowhere without political strength. The “NBM” who always scream about cash reparations are not serious. Congress HAS to put a reparations bill on the congressional floor so that it has ANY chance of passing. Also, other ethnic groups are putting their people into office to write laws for them. We as black people continue to vote for people who do things for different groups and nothing for us. In other words: Self-Destruction!

Being Black in America! (aweb.page)


Bootlicks and Gatekeepers

Since the FOUNDING of America, there have been chosen blacks whose job and mission it was to keep the masses of blacks under control. This was a job through the dominant society going through the bootlicks to give us a few scraps off of his table. They are now in the form of black politicians, entertainers, sports figures, and HBCU graduates. They are so weak that they are letting the immigrant class take over the HBCUs because now the dominant society does not have to take immigrants into their schools anymore. Black people have got to wake up, expose these people and remove any influence that they have over us.

Being Black in America! (aweb.page)


Black people must take our place in the world!


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Do for ourselves

We, as black people, must stop trying to help everyone else, and no one comes to help us in time of need. It is time for black people to realize we may be facing extinction if we do not organize and gain political and economic power.

Who are we

This website is dedicated to bringing black Americans up to speed with other ethnic groups.

Black people must realize that nothing has changed since the founding of this country. Every ethnic group that has ever come to these shores has done nothing but attempt to undermine black people.

Darrell news site

Our Agenda


We believe it is time for black people to wake up and realize that no one will help us. Also, no one should help us. If black people won’t demand reparations and equality, then we need new leaders.


Highly Recommended

I would recommend my newsletter, in which I discuss certain individuals and events that directly affect black Americans.


Extra content block


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How does billing work?

We have a simple billing system which allows you to pay for services on a monthly or yearly basis.

Contact us:

Being Black in America! (aweb.page)




111 North Wabash Avenue Ste. 100

The Garland Building

Chicago, Illinois 60602